Doris Robbins

Frank & Doris Robbins
Steve Robbins --

When first asked to consider writing a tribute to my mother, I immediately thought of a phrase Abraham Lincoln penned as he struggled to pay tribute to the lives of those who had poured out their life’s blood on the field of battle in the greater cause of liberty. He said, “The brave…who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract.” Those are my thoughts regarding my mother.

I do not think I’ve ever met a person more surrendered to the cause of Christ than my mother. From early childhood she determined to follow the surrendered life. I intimately know of the hardships she endured as a missionary, the many physical deprivations, the myriad human struggles, the many nights of exhaustion as she selflessly gave of herself to others. I know them well. They were countless. They were real. Yet, even I only know in part, for in her way, she never spoke of her emotional and physical pain. She never burdened me or others with such things. She remained focused on the greater cause of Christ. That is why it meant so much to me when, on her dying bed in a soft voice, she told me she had experienced an easy life. Easy life? She was starting to fade and I wondered if I’d heard correctly so I asked—Did you say, easy life? She said, yes.

Many or maybe most, would not have called my mom’s life as a pioneer missionary as easy. The thing is however, her life was one completely surrendered in all ways to the will of Christ. To her, knowing that Jesus ALWAYS came through, EVERY time, made it easy. She could count on Him, and that was the consistent message she told everyone, everywhere—Trust Jesus in your life.
I cannot add or subtract to my mother’s life. I can only stand in complete admiration, with total and complete respect, feeling immensely privileged that God allowed her to be my mother.